adventures in furniture painting has been so fun thus far, i get to paint and glaze and distress and make people happy with their old worn out furniture again! but this is another story...so i was commissioned to paint this beautiful hutch PINK! i love pink and yet, i have never painted a piece of furniture pink for a client, well that day finally came and i was so excited. so we picked up the piece and a few days later i got to work sanding & priming. then it started to rain here. and it didn't really let up or warm up enough for me to paint outside, and this piece was too big to bring inside. it rained and rained and rained! so finally, it stopped and was able to get the pink paint sprayed on, then it rained some MORE! so after about a week, i got to work distressing and glazing and hand painting roses on the hutch. finally it was done! i never take this long to do a piece but, the weather was not cooperating! so anyway, it was time to deliver on sat. so we were loading up the piece on fri nite and (insert suspenseful music HERE) ,
BOOM!!!!!! It fell to the ground like a ton of bricks! my hubby accidentally dropped it! it was
REALLY HEAVY! so, we picked it all up, as it was now in pieces, and the next day he re glued everything and this week i'll be working some painterly magic on it! hubby apologized profusely and i accepted, and told him, these things happen. as long a he can fix it there's no problem. i guess it had to happen eventually, we've move so much furniture in the last 7 months it was bound to happen eventually! thank goodness my hubby is handy w/ the wood and wood glue! it's all fixed and as soon as it's re painted you'll never know the difference. of course, i had to tell my client, but she's a sweet understanding christian lady and took it in stride. thank you all for listening to me ramble on, but i thought i had to share what goes on in the real life of a business! until next time, keep creating!
~decorating diva aka damaging diva!